Tribute to Toshi Ichiyanagi @ Tenri Cultural Institute of NY
Duo YUMENO – Yoko Reikano Kimura on koto and shamisen, Hikaru Tamaki on cello and special guest pianist Vicky Chow will pay homage to the legendary composer Toshi Ichiyanagi. Ichiyanagi, who passed away in 2022, was a protégé of John Cage during the 60s and had a profound influence on the post-war Japanese music landscape.
The program will explore his music written for both traditional Japanese and Western instruments and celebrates his six-decade-long career. Highlights include Paraphrase for shamisen and cello (2019), which was commissioned by the duo, Time Sequence (1976), a dazzling piano solo in the minimalist style, and Linked Poems of Autumn (1990), Ichiyanagi’s tribute to the Japanese koto-song tradition that features the texts by the haiku poet Matsuo Bashō. Please Join us for an evening of provocative and brilliant contemporary music.
Duo YUMENO, Yoko Reikano Kimura on koto (Japanese zither-like instrument) and Hikaru Tamaki on cello, presents a versatile program of traditional Japanese, which has over one-thousand-year history, to contemporary music composed by living composers. The duo will present its dynamic repertoire that is inspired by Japanese classical literature and poetry, depicting beauty of nature, historic battles and universal human emotions.
FantAsia!, by INTERWOVEN, is a concert program and event celebrating the composition of Asian folklore-inspired works on the night of the Lunar New Year 2024. Taking place in Washington Heights, this project will include three original composition commissions, three world premiere performances, include a live discussion held at intermission with our commissioned composers, Stephanie Chou, Vicente Hansen Atría, and Michael Ippolito, and finish with a post-concert reception of Asian delicacies curated by a neighborhood Asian restaurant.
As the shamisen performer of INTERWOVEN, Yoko Reikano Kimura will give the world premiere performance of Michael Ippolito’s Shamisen Concerto (untitled). For more fun and detailed information, please visit here.
Yoko Reikano Kimura will be returning to the concert series at Queens Public Library. As one of the events celebrating Immigrant Heritage Month, Yoko will present her versatile repertoire celebrating spring. This will be the 30th concert of her “Four Seasons in New York – Gems of Japanese Music -“. For more details about this concert, please visit here.
Come and experience a mesmerizing musical journey at The Woman’s Club of Englewood. Immerse yourself in the enchanting melodies and rhythms from Japan and beyond. This concert will transport you to the heart of Asian culture through an extraordinary fusion of traditional and contemporary music.
Keiko Tokunaga, Vn, Ani Kalayjan, Vc, Yoko Reikano Kimura, koto and shamisen
Yoko Reikano Kimura (composition and live-performance) will join the Orphan Film Symposium for the Japanese paper film project led by Eric Faden.
Opera: Murasaki’s Moon (composed by Michi Wiancko / librettist, Devorah Brevoort / commissioned by OnSite Opera, MetLive Arts, and American Lyric Theater)
An opera for all ages, Murasaki’s Moon is a journey into the world of Lady Murasaki, the 11th century lady-in-waiting at the imperial court of Japan who changed the world of literature with her ground-breaking creation, The Tale of the Genji. Her extraordinary creation is attributed to be the first novel ever written.The opera, set to music that includes beautiful Japanese instrumentation, is an inspiring story that connects present-day audiences to Murasaki’s struggles, which are not unlike our own in the 21st Century. Yoko Reikano Kimura will perform koto for this production.
Duo YUMENO’s album on the Naxos label is released in May 24, 2024 worldwide. It features the complete Heike Quinto, a five-part suite composed by Daron Hagen for koto, violoncello and voice. The set of pieces is inspired by the medieval Japanese epic, The Tale of Heike, and focuses on the female characters who search for salvation and peace during the time of war.
デュオ夢乃 日本ツアー 2024 @ 同志社女子大学・新島襄記念講堂 Doshisha Women's College (Kyotanabe Campus)
デュオ夢乃 日本ツアー 2024 @ 同志社女子大学・栄光館ファラウーチャペル Doshisha Women's College (Imadegawa Campus, Kyoto)
Duo YUMENO will perform “Cavatina” from “Heike Quinto” (composed by Daron Hagen) which will be rebased from NAXOS on May 24th at the historic Eiko-kan Chapel, Doshisha Women’s College.
第90回クレマチスコンサートシリーズ ~箏とチェロでめぐる日本の四季~ @ 花外楼北浜本店(大阪市北浜) Kagai-ro, Kitahama (Kitahama, Osaka)
Duo YUMENO will be featured at the 90th concert of the Cremates series which have been presented by Kagairo, one of the historic Japanese cuisine restaurants in Osaka-city. The concert will start at 11:00 am (1 hour program) and beautiful Japanese cuisine will be served at 12:00 pm.
デュオ夢乃リサイタル @ 興聖寺涅槃堂(京都、上京区) /Kosho-ji Temple (Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto)
デュオ夢乃リサイタル(京都)は、古田織部の菩提寺としても知られる名刹、臨済宗・興聖寺涅槃堂にて開催いたします。ニューアルバム「平家組曲」のリリース記念、そして新シリーズ「Air(エアー)Vol. 1」の第一弾リサイタル となります。
【お申し込み】ライブポケットもしくは、デュオ夢乃コンサート事務局(メール)まで 、ご希望公演日、お名前、希望枚数をお知らせ下さい。
Duo YUMENO will hold its annual recital at the historic Kosho-ji Temple in Kyoto. This recital will celebrate the new release of the new album, “Heike Quinto” and also the start of the new series titled Air.
Lecture: Japanese Music in the United States @ 洗足学園大学・現代邦楽研究所 / Senzoku Gakuen College of Music
デュオ夢乃リサイタル(東京)は昨年に引き続き、トーキョーコンサーツラボ(西早稲田)にて開催されます。ニューアルバム「平家組曲」のリリース記念、そして新シリーズ「Air (エアー)Vol. 1」の第一弾リサイタル となります。本年度の委嘱作曲家、上野ケン氏の新作も乞うご期待下さい!
Duo YUMENO will hold its annual recital at Tokyo Concerts Lab. in Tokyo. This recital will celebrate the new release of the new album, “Heike Quinto” and also the start of the new series titled Air. The program includes the new commission piece written by an esteemed composer, Ken Ueno.
In the 1930s, several Japanese companies produced films made on paper (called kami firum) instead of celluloid. Professor Eric Faden has led “The Japanese Paper Film Project” since 2019. This screening features a wide-ranging collection of digitized films. For the silent films, Yoko Reikano Kimura will accompany on koto. (Photo: Collection of paper films at Kyoto’s Toy Film Museum)
Duo YUMENO will return to the annual Here and Now Labor Day Festival presented by Bargemusic, Brooklyn. The whole program of the concert will be curated by Duo YUMENO.
Daron Hagen: Selection from the Heike Quinto
Apotheosis (World premiere)
Ken Ueno: Sunset Looking to the Future (New York premiere)
Japan Society’s commissioning work, Dogugaeshi was produced by genius puppeteer, Basil Twist. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, Japan Society will present this phenomenal work as the first program of the 2024-2025 season.
Yoko Reikano Kimura will perform for the matinee shows. For more information, please visit here.
Duo YUMENO will accompany a silent film screening presented by the film studies department of Bucknell University, In the 1930s, several Japanese companies produced films made on paper (“kami firumu”) instead of celluloid. The screening will feature digitally restored films that have not been shown in public for nearly 85 years. Prof. Eric Faden at Bucknell University founded the Japanese Paper Film Project and has been leading the efforts on preserving the surviving movies and promoting scholarship about these films.
Duo YUMENO will be featured at Friends of Music concert series presented by Eagle Hill Institution in Maine. Please enjoy the duo’s diverse repertoire and beautiful nature in Maine.
Duo YUMENO will return to the First Congregational Church of Blue Hill and present a program to celebrate the beginning of autumn in Maine.