Duo YUMENO: Making music across the Pacific – Duo YUMENO was featured on The Japan Times in a column, “Why Did You Leave Japan?” The duo talked about their background as well as the cultural difference between Japan and the US.
May, 2018 / ENJOY
Kimura’s extensive interview was featured on ENJOY May 2018 issue. This interview included many stories about her current musical projects, duo’s activities, future plans, etc. (in Japanese)
Jan 12, 2018 / NY Japion, US
NY Talk – An Interview with Souheki Mori, tea master – (in Japanese) http://www.ejapion.com/interview/ny-talk/56858
Sep, 2016 / ESTRELA Magazine, Japan
Shamisen that resonates with the world (in Japanese)
Nov 21, 2015 / New York Seikatsu Press, US
Featured interview: NY Seikatsu Women (in Japanese) https://www.nyseikatsu.com/editions/561/index.html
July, 2015 / Chamber Music Magazine, US
Duo of Dreams
Feb 13, 2015 / Yomi Time, US
Timeless beauty and harmony of Japanese sounds (in Japanese) http://www.yomitime.com/digital/247/mobile/index.html#p=6
May 9, 2013 / The Herald Palladium, US
Duo combines Japanese, Western musical traditions http://www.heraldpalladium.com/features/duo-combines-japanese-western-musical-traditions/article_b1914d06-2779-5b41-8b9f-88edf8333938.html
Feb, 2012 / Hogaku Journal, Japan
Tour report: From the US to South and Central America – Japanese Art in Latin America program – (in Japanese)